

Photo service

Website service



Genealogical and historical research on your Dutch ancestors

Our "home" archive is the Municipal Archive of Rotterdam, but we do research in all main archives  in Holland. Other sources are the Central Bureau for Genealogy, the State Library and the Church of LDS. 

In 1984 we started to do genealogical research on our own families, mainly originating from Holland, Belgium, Germany, France and the Dutch East Indies.

Since 1995 we have been helping many people in the U.S.A., Canada, Australia and other countries with finding their Dutch roots.

Please contact us for full information.

E-Mail: riper@planet.nl

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 21197
3001 AD Rotterdam
The Netherlands





Photographs of ancestral places in The Netherlands

We make photographs of the places where your ancestors were born, of cemetaries, monuments, and so on; either printed or as computer files.

Website design and publishing

If you wish we can publish your family history on an Internet website, designed to your preferences.


See our pricelist for the very reasonable fees, on basis of "no cure no pay".

©1999-2000 Karin & John Riper Rotterdam (The Netherlands)